Prof. Dr. Markus Meier
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
Cross-covariance function#
where \(\gamma_{xy}(\tau)\) is the sample cross-covariance function for \(\tau \geq 0\):
and for \(\tau < 0\):
the sample cross-covariance function is set to be zero for \(|\tau| \geq T\)
\(\tau > 0 \Rightarrow\) the time evolution of \(\mathbf{X_t}\) leads those of \(\mathbf{Y_t}\) and vice versa for \(|\tau| \leq T\)
\(\gamma_{xy}\) can be asymmetric
\(\gamma_{xy}(\tau)\) can be larger than \(\gamma_{xy}(0)\)
\(|\rho_{xy}(\tau)| \leq 1\)
\(\mathbf{Y_t} = \alpha \mathbf{X_t} ~~\Rightarrow ~~\gamma_{yy}=\varepsilon(\mathbf{Y_tY_t}) = \alpha^2 \gamma_{xx}(\tau)\); cross-covariance \(\gamma_{xy} =\varepsilon(\mathbf{X_tY_t}) = \alpha\gamma_{xx}(\tau)\)
cross-correlation function \(\rho_{xy}(\tau) = \frac{\gamma_{xy}(\tau)}{\sigma_x\sigma_y} = \frac{\alpha \gamma_{xx}(\tau)}{\sigma_x \alpha \sigma_x} \rho_{xx}(\tau)\)
Cross spectrum#
Let \(\mathbf{X_t}\) and \(\mathbf{Y_t}\) be two weakly stationary stochastic processes with covariance functions \(\gamma_{xx}\) and \(\gamma_{yy}\), and a cross-covariance function \(\gamma_{xy}\). Then the cross-spectrum \(\Gamma_{xy}\) is defined as the Fourier transform of \(\gamma_{xy}\):
for all \(\omega \in [-0.5, 0.5]\). The cross-spectrum is generally a complex-valued function since the cross-covariance function is, in general, neither strictly symmetric nor anti-symmetric.