Prof. Dr. Markus Meier
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
Lecture overview#
General information#
Lecture held by Prof. Dr. Markus Meier (markus.meier@io-warnemuende), professor in physical oceanography at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde(IOW) and Rostock University, master thesis ??
Exercises held by Dr. Sven Karsten ( and Dr. Florian Börgel (
about the course:
Climate of the Earth system (winter term)
Climate of the Baltic Sea region (summer school in August, on Askö, Sweden, part of the masters programm at Rostock University),
Information about the course Update for next year#
Rostock University (master in physics): 6 ECTS (~13 lectures á 180 min, tutorials and exercises, no lecture on 3 January 2024, 4 weeks project work, project presentation on 24 January 2024)
Wednesday 13:15-14:45, 15:00-16:30 (17:00)
Hybrid format: online and in person
Language: English
Exercises will be held in Jupyter Notebooks using Python as programming language:
Please provide me with your email address to send you the slides
Fundamental processes in the Earth’s climate system of the atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice
Fundamental statistical analysis methods and modelling of climate variability on Earth including anthropogenic global warming and other forcings
Time series analysis, multivariate data analysis, uncertainty analysis in statistical methods and strategies for statistical analysis of instrumental observational, proxy and model data
Global radiation models
Feedback mechanisms and tipping points in the Earth’s climate system
Coupled climate models for atmosphere, ocean and sea ice
Spatial and temporal internal variability of the large-scale circulation
Paleoclimate variability and climate projections
In the exercises, necessary basic knowledge in scientific programming for the modelling and analysis of Earth system data is taught

Fig. 1 EURO-CORDEX climate simulation visualization using Dalle-3#
Courtesy: Lectures from Ulrich Cubasch, Erik Kjellström
Lecture notes from Dietmar Dommenget: An Introduction to Climate Dynamics and An Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Climate Research
Daniel Wilks: Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-385022-5.00001-4
Hans von Storchand Francis W. Zwiers: Statistical Analysis in Climate Research. Cambridge University Press
Hamburger Bildungsserver (, only in German)
Complementing literature#
Lecture notes on Climate of the Ocean, WS 2016/2017
Climate assessments:
global: IPCC (, open access), SROCC
regional: BACC I and II, BEAR (, open access), NOSCCA (North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment, open acces)
Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics:
James R. Holton: An introduction to dynamic meteorology
Geoffrey K. Vallis: Climate and the oceans
Geoffrey K. Vallis: Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics
Olbers, Willebrand and Eden: Ocean Dynamics, Springer (2012)